Friday, November 30, 2012

Far and in Between!
 It's been too far and in between posts!  I know for some of you this is a good way to stay up to date in our families happenings, and I have slacked off somewhat, and for that I'm sorry!  Now we have to play catch up!  Most of the pics. are self explanatory!  Of course it's not a true post on here if it doesn't start with a family BYU game outing!
 Happy Halloween from our little spooks!  Picking pumpkins out of grandma Sharps garden!

 Just threw this one in for cuteness overload!  He loves the swings at the park.  In fact, don't leave him unattended outside for a half a second, he will be across the street before you know it!
Thanksgiving out our house this year was an amazing success!  Yes, I even surprised myself.  Turkey, yams, stuffing from scratch, mashed potatoes, rolls from scratch, you name it, we had it!  Everything, except the Dutson Family!  It's nice to know we can handle it on our own though!

 It's family picture time!  And judging from the next picture, you can see just how much "fun" Jacks was during. I laughed so hard when this one popped up!  Never a dull moment with this one, and then....
 He gives you this look, and you just melt!
 I am so blessed to have my little girl.  She won't be little much longer!  She's the bees knees I tell you!  Such a smart kiddo!

I love comparing each picture session, I can't believe how time is flying!  Love these 2.

 There very few moments when I don't have a smile on my face when this little guy is around!  And I hate how fast he is growing!  It doesn't matter where we are, he has to tell me a story, and it always starts with him getting my attention by yelling "mom, mom"  when I say "yes Jacks"  he starts with a story that I need a baby language dictionary to understand!  There are so many other pics. that I love from this session, but I don't think you want to be at your computer all day!
Love this picture!  Dad and his girl!  Boys beware, he is armed! If you want to see more, you're just going to  have come over and check out my picture covered walls...that is if I ever find the time to print out more than the usual!  Well, hopefully the next post won't be to far from this one!  Until then, Merry Christmas!  Love you all!