Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer with friends!

Quik laugh for all! So the other morning, as I was getting ready to go running, I hear this watch timer going off. Just as i opened my door, I see Braedon walking back to his room very sleepy, looks at me and says "The watch wouldn't stop beeping." As I was walking out the front door, I
noticed it was unlocked, and thought it strange because Alan always locks it when he leaves for work. Locking it behind me when I left, didn't think about it again... Now, as I am doing my cool down stretching outside, I look up, and lowe and behold lying just outside the door is Braedons watch. I had to smile, even laugh a little. So now you know what to do with the alarm that won't shut off!

Summer Fun!
July 22, 09
For a while now my friend Steff has wanted to take us to the Spanish Fork Res. Yesterday
was such a perfect day for swimming. We had so much fun.
Braedon and his new friend Riley, Steff's nephew. I missed a picture of the two trying to catch a fish with their hands. It was so funny.
Steff's niece Mikala and Kambrie. All the kids loved going out on the raft with her.
Kambrie swam for about 20 mins. then just wanted to play in the sand. Best thing about this sand, it wasn't as fine as others, so it came off feet and other stuff much easier. Great for clean car freaks like me!
Steff and her kids, Kalia and Teo. They are so dang cute.
Don't pay much attention to the date on the pictures. I need to reset it!

1 comment:

Kimber said...

The thing about the watch reminds me of Phoebe on friends when her fire alarm battery is low and it beeps all night. She tries everything she can to get rid of it, but can still hear the beeping. Oh, the madness! Braedon must have felt to the same way!!!