Monday, October 19, 2009

Kids being kids!

I just love it when my kids get there phrases mixed up!

Kambrie: Passing a dairy farm on the way home."Braedon stinked up the car"!

My little cousin: Asking Braedon."Were you adopted"?
Braedon: "No I was born"
Cousin:"I was born too"

Kambrie: "Mommy, my finger has a headache"

Braedon: Watching a family at a restaurant, very confused. "Mom, how come that little baby is more brown than the rest of them." As if he has never been around a family filled with different nationalities!

Braedon: "Do all brown people speak Spanish"

I know there have been many more, but do you think I'm smart enough to write them down?


Sarah Sharp said...

Face it,Jenny, the only way we would remember all those things is if we had a tape recorder going 24/7. I think we do pretty good for even trying!

The Nielsens said...

I love that! Kids are great, and so truthfully blunt!
**And we REALLY appreciate Alan coming to help us the other night!1 (:

Anonymous said...

How cute. Kids really are so funny! I laugh constantly at the things my kids come up with!!! I love those beautiful! I am trying to figure a way to come to Serenas reception...I hope I can, I am so excited for her!!!

Kimber said...

Where were those pics taken? Pretty leaves! and kids do say the darndest things.